Friday, February 6, 2009


Today I feel much better than yesterday.  I woke up earlier (8am, still have work to do to get to work before 9), and had a good stretch, cup of tea, and shower.  I am thinking of adding stretching to my AM routine, since I think a lot of my lethargy comes from muscle soreness.  Anyway, I got a cookie from my office, and a cup of coffee from the lounge, and went in at 9:30 to go to Friday Reading, where we discussed innervation of the tongue.

Then I went to a lecture by Dr. Susan McConnell from Stanford, who discussed the development of the brain.  In my next blog entry, I will go over some of the basics of this, for anyone curious (if you don't care at all about developmental neurobiology, you can skip the entry!).  Anyway, Dr. McConnell was a wonderful speaker; I envy her abilities tremendously.  There is something wonderful about a person who not only gets excited about their work, but projects that excitement onto the entire room.  I think Stanford will be getting several postdoctoral applicants from the Purdue bio department.

Anyway, after the talk, I did my typical lab routine of weighing food, inflating balloons, nicking tails, and catheterizing jugulars, but I took a break to go for a run, and enjoy the weather outside.  It was a perfect day; sunny and warm (40-something degrees), almost my optimal running temp (around 55 degrees), and the run would have been perfect if it had not been for a slight stomach ache I was having (my tummy still feels a little funny, but I'm sure it will go away!).  After the run, I came back to the lab and did my last surgery (I watched Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice today; I am all out of medical shows!!! What will I do!?!?!)

Anyway, it was altogether a good day.  I think I like being busy, but only so busy.

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