Hi all!!! A lot has been happening since I last blogged. I finished cutting all of my brains! I also finished my hormonal assays! The Blackhawks won the Western Conference Semifinals!
I forgot to mention that I went to Chicago in mid-April for Jill's wedding shower and bachelorette party!!! It was lots of fun! We went to Cafe Ba Ba Ree Ba for delicious tapas and sangria. I can't believe Jill will be married in less than 2 weeks!!! That is CRAZY (and awesome!). Yay for Jill and Evan!
Chrissy is also getting married soon (one week after Jill). Her bachelorette party is this weekend, and I am psyched (although I am feeling kinda sick, so I hope that goes away). We'll be hanging out in downtown Indy, livin' it up. I am excited to be Chrissy, April and Robin's sistah!
Speaking of weddings, ours is 150 days away today. That is approx. 5 months! I have kindof reached a point where I am unsure of what exactly to do. I almost wish it were closer to the deadline so that I could feel like I'm doing more (but I'm sure that I will kick myself 3 months from now for saying that).
Work-wise, I have been doing a lot, but it has been more enjoyable lately. Brain cutting is mind-numbingly boring; right now I am sampling blood from rats, and learning how to do ELISAs (enzyme linked immuno sorbent assays). Even though hormonal assays are repetitive, I sort-of enjoy them; stuff changes color (that ALWAYS makes me happy), you get the results immediately, and other than pipetting issues, there isn't a whole lot of room for error. Much better than things like in situ hybridization (which I am going to do with the brains), where ANYTHING can go wrong, and you won't know it 'til the very end!
On Thursday, Dan, Brad, Liz and I went to see the Blackhawks annihilate the Canucks in game 4 of the semifinals. I guess annihilate is not the right word, since it was scoreless during the 1st, then the Canucks had the lead for over a period, only to have the Hawks score in the last few minutes of the game, and take it into OT. THEN the Hawks quickly won in sudden death. Despite the low score, it was exciting! They also won on Saturday and Monday to secure playing for the conference title.
On Saturday, Liz and I ran in a the Jay Cooperidge Memorial 5k, which supports mental illness. I was dumb and ate cereal with a bit of milk a bit too close to the race, and I was feeling sick to my stomach for most of it. My time was not so good (30:50ish), but I finished, and that is what really matters.
I guess that is all to report for now. Ta ta!
23:21:51 Thursday November 03 2016
2 months ago