I still have 19 brains left to do, and it is going to be the death of me. 2 SOLID days of nothing but brain cutting, and I have not even quite cut my total in half (at least, not my weekly total). Tomorrow I will most likely not get many done, since I have other stuff going on. That leaves a lot of time on Thursday (but not all day, since I am helping RJ out with some stuff), and most of the day on Friday, but I still will prob. have a few left. Maybe the weekend? Who knows. I will just be happy when it is done. Maybe I can talk Kim into giving me a break after it's all done, instead of making me work just as hard on something else? Unlikely, lol. I think that is the nature of Academia... you have to do what you are told to do, and then figure out some *extra* time to do the stuff that will actually advance you. Extra time. haha.
Anyway, I guess my life is pretty lame, since this (work) is ALL i have been blogging about. This must be why people used to be so sad during the times before labor laws were enacted, etc. At least I like my job... on some level... it must have really REALLY sucked to spend 15h/day at some FACTORY doing manual labor or something.
But anyway, here is a question for all y'all: WHAT do people talk about when they aren't doing anything interesting? It would be helpful for these times! I don't want to get [any more] boring!